It's been a long time since Hong Kong's had a girl dance group, but hot new trio HotCha is here to shake things up. After returning from dance training in Japan, Regen Cheung, Crystal Cheung, and Winki Lai officially debuted as HotCha in April 2007. The trio has attracted a lot of attention in the past months for their energetic dancing and youthful image, and now they're finally releasing their self-titled debut album. The album comes with seven tracks including their first plug Vanilla, which shows off their dancing prowess and physicality, and "Don't Wear Sunblock" (Track 2), which expresses young people's pursuit of independence and naturalness.
Track List:
01 Vanilla
02 不要防曬 (Bu Yao Fang Shai)
03 白色手機 (Bai Se Shou Ji)
04 唯一的你 (Wei Yi De Ni)
05 你的味道 (Ni De Wei Dao)
06 煙火祭 (Yan Huo Ji)
07 Vanilla (Step Mix)
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Credit: Paulina